Monday, April 1, 2019

04.01.2019 Blogging Along in April - A Little Something

So I was asked if I was going to join in on this project of blogging in April.  I am not a good blogger.  I have tried several times, yet I fail to maintain.  But is the point more that I finish or that I begin and try and try again?

One would think that at my age it would be relatively simple to complete things started.  Not true.  Some days I forget to finish the cup of coffee I started.  We won't even discuss the other things I forget to finish.

I consider me and who I am and I believe that my blogging will be short at the moment.  I remember my grandmother saying to my mother one time, "A little something is better than nothing!".  I never forgot that.  I have no idea why but it has stood me in good stead these many years later and I fully understand it now.

A Little Something:
Copyright © 2019 by Patricia D. Jones

Who I am is who I am
many titles attached to me
I am not what you always see,
I seldom am.

You see me laughing,
I may be crying 
(typical and cliché, I know
but oh, so true)

Title: Teacher
Job description: Trainer,
molder and developer of
the young mind.

No, I deny and defy
that description.
I want to shake, rattle and roll
that young mind until...
the extraordinary comes to pass.

I want to reach their depths 
touch their hearts.
Inspire to desire
to dream more.

Be more.
Title: Pastor's Wife
Job description: seriously unknown
Your expectations 
I can't meet
I stay quiet
in my seat
as I watch 
the show unfold
wondering how some
can be so bold

You have certain expectations
Sorry, dear Congregation!
I am who I am
Not what your desire may be
God himself
created me.

So as He molds
and makes me correct
you will have to wait
be satisfied
with what you get.

Title: Wife
Yeah, it's not
what you think
the wedding 
is only a day
the marriage
is a lifetime.
If you so choose.
I do.

No it's not
all laughter
and joy.
Weeping may
endure for a night
but JOY does come
in the morning.
I have learned
to recognize
my morning.

So these are small pieces
of me
that I allow you 
to see.

There is more
to come . . .

Taylor D


  1. Did you finish grading those papers???!!!!

    My things I have trouble finishing, calendars and planners, art journals, why even bother getting a new one, when twenty arent finished, ummm.... cant help ya here. But I listened!!!!

  2. Graded all I was going to grade. Enough to get a decent grade for the most part...


Missing A Day 2 and 3

So, yeah, I missed yesterday but it was still a great day for me.  Many things have happened in the past year that, currently I don'...